Enjoy Spring Break Again with Millis Transfer
March 13, 2022
Spring has arrived. You know what that means. It’s time to set your clocks an hour ahead. Unless of course you happen to be in Arizona or Hawaii, who have both opted out of the whole daylight savings event. Daylight savings, which went into effect on March 13, lasts for a total of 34 weeks, spanning the time frame of Mid-March through Early November. While truckers may be losing an hour of sleep, they are gaining one hour of daylight. For many, that is a welcome change.
According to NJ.Com, Spring does not arrive on the same day every year. It does, however, always fall on one of three days in the northern hemisphere: March 19, March 20 or March 21. For 2022, Spring arrives on March 20.
This time of year always brings a variety of surprises. For one, the weather is likely offering up an odd mixture of climate change. That means, it is more important than ever to be aware of the weather, no matter where you deliver your load. And while the sun may play hide and seek, as the rain and snow make their impromptu appearances, it doesn’t halt much in the way of activity. That is doubly true for that infamous event that occurs in March: Spring Break.
In case you were wondering, Spring Break is not just for those who work behind a desk or attend school. It’s also for truck drivers, especially if you work for Millis Transfer. We know drivers need their time to recharge and to enjoy a healthy work/life balance. That’s why we offer a generous three-week vacation package. Isn’t it time you had paid vacation time, too? Dare to Compare Millis Transfer and give us a call at 1-800-937-0880 to learn more about our benefits package.
About Millis Transfer
Millis Transfer, Getting It There © since 1936, has an impressive service record earning dozens of “Carrier of the Year” and safety awards, two Best Fleet to Drive For nominations and recognition as a Certified Top Pay Carrier for more than 14 years. Headquartered in Black River Falls, Wis., the company has grown to an 800+ truck carrier primarily operating east of the Mississippi River. Extra perks for Millis drivers include a maximum pay rate of 47-58cpm, beautiful and well- maintained equipment, as well as a long list of amenities and benefits.
Maintenance facilities and drop yards are also strategically located throughout the company’s operating area. Its sister company, Millis Training Institute, offers five school locations that provide students with quality training in order to earn their CDL-A license. To learn more, please visit www.millistransfer.com or www.mtidriving.com.