Long Term Rewards Beats Job Hopping
July 31, 2022
On the website of the ATA, there’s some interesting discussions on driver demand and driver turn-over. For instance, in one post, they take on the misconception that truckers enter the workforce, become dissatisfied, and leave the industry altogether. The ATA says this is not likely the scenario taking place. It’s actually quite the opposite. Their belief is that drivers enter the industry and job hop from one trucking company to another, racking in the sign-on bonuses.
The challenge with truckers leaving the industry is that yearly turnover rates are especially high in other sectors. For instance, there is a staggering percentage of employee turn-over in construction. The same is true for the business sector and for retail. Take a look at the Bureau of Labor Statistics and you’ll find high turnover rates in many fields. So, why would any driver want to leave the industry to enter an even more risky field of employment? It’s a wonder.
And while some drivers might change jobs to get sign-on bonuses, they will eventually build a resume that reflects their bonus-driven ambitions, making it even more challenging to find employment. Recruiters are smart and they can gauge a lot about a driver by listening to their experiences. And in leaving one trucking company for another, you may find that the grass is not greener, regardless of how much is paid in bonuses. You could risk a long, rewarding career with a great company in pursuing short-term rewards at several companies.
At Millis Transfer, we’re proud of our drivers and our driver retention rates. When drivers sign with Millis Transfer, it is more often than not, a long-term commitment. One that rewards them over the long-run far more than any short-term plan of job hopping could ever match. Dare to compare our company and you’ll find our drivers love working here. The fact that so many stay proves that. If you are considering the trucking industry, then contact Millis Transfer at 1-800-937-0880.
About Millis Transfer
Millis Transfer, Getting It There © since 1936, has an impressive service record earning dozens of “Carrier of the Year” and safety awards, two Best Fleet to Drive For nominations and recognition as a Certified Top Pay Carrier for more than 14 years. Headquartered in Black River Falls, Wis., the company has grown to an 800+ truck carrier primarily operating east of the Mississippi River. Extra perks for Millis drivers include a maximum pay rate of 47-58cpm, beautiful and well- maintained equipment, as well as a long list of amenities and benefits.
Maintenance facilities and drop yards are also strategically located throughout the company’s operating area. Its sister company, Millis Training Institute, offers five school locations that provide students with quality training in order to earn their CDL-A license. To learn more, please visit www.millistransfer.com or www.mtidriving.com.